Terms & Conditions of Moreton Hall Health Club
1. Use of the Facilities of the Club and use of the Club premises is strictly subject to the rules & regulations of the Club in effect at anytime.
2. Membership may be terminated by management for violation of any of the rules or regulations of the Health & Fitness Club or for conduct deemed by the Management detrimental to the welfare, good order or character of the Club and its members.
3. The Management reserves the right to utilize the Health & Fitness Club facilities for special events, private parties, tournaments or other events as determined by the Health Club Management.
4. Membership of the club is not assignable or transferable. Membership deposits and membership fees are not refundable, even in the case of injury, illness or if a member moves from the area. If you have paid your membership upfront annually/two yearly and have a long-term illness or move to another city, you are entitled to transfer your membership to another person.
5. The member warrants that he/she is in good health and not suffering from any illness or disease.
6. The Health Club health questionnaire must be completed and signed by all applicants in advance of using the Health & Fitness Club facilities.
7. Smoking is not allowed in the Club.
8. The Member acknowledges that the Health Club will not be responsible for the loss of any personal items or damage to personal property, either on the health Club premises or the Carpark.
9. The member acknowledges that the Health Club accepts no liability whatsoever for any personal injury or property damage sustained by the member and the member acknowledges that he/she enter the Health Club premises and use the facilities, apparatus and equipment entirely at his/her risk.
10. The Health Club will use its best endeavours to ensure that all facilities, apparatus and equipment are maintained in working order but the Club accepts no responsibility to the member for the failure or breakdown of any equipment.
11. In the event of any dispute arising between a Member of the Health Club and the management of the health Club, the decision of the Management of the Club is final.
12. The member will adhere to the Health & Safety rules of the club and adult/child ratios for the swimming pool. An updated version of these rules can be found on the Health Club website.
13. The member will read and adhere to all health and safety regulations before using the sauna, steam room, floatation tanks or any other equipment.
14. The member will adhere to all rules in relation to children using the club (ages, restrictions on facilities available for use etc). Children under 18 years old must have permission from their parent or guardian to use the club and have them sign their Health Questionnaire as evidence of this permission.
15. Clean indoor non-marking shoes must be worn when using the squash courts.
16. Members must shower before using the pool.
17. Blue shoes must be worn around the poolside.
18. All gym equipment must be put back in its place after use and equipment sanitised using provided disinfectant.
19. MHHC opening hours are available on our website. Such hours may be lengthened or shortened at the absolute discretion of MHHC with or without any prior notice being given to members. MHHC shall endeavour to give members reasonable notice of change to such hours.
20. On occasions when necessary maintenance is required, MHHC, or parts thereof, may be closed. MHHC shall endeavour to give members reasonable notice of this wherever possible.
-There are no designated life guards on duty, so each parent / guardian is responsible for the supervision of their own children.
- Maximum load on poolside chairs is 100kg.
- Any person under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult when using the pool.
- Children under the age of 8 years old must be supervised at all times by a responsible adult aged 16 years or over, with a minimum of 1 adult for every 2 children.
- Children over the age of 8 years must be supervised at all times by a responsible adult aged 16 years or over on at least a 1 adult to 12 children basis.
- Any person under the age of 18 is not permitted to use the sauna or steam room.
- The minimum age for use of the gymnasium is 12 years of age. Any children 12 - 15 years of age must be accompanied by an adult when using the gym.
- All children/young adults under 18 must undertake an induction with a fitness instructor before using the gym facilities.
- Children under the age of 16 are not permitted to use weights in the gym, but they can use the resistance machines if they complete a programme with one of our trainers.
- The minimum age for tennis & family fitness classes is 4 years of age, accompanied by an adult.
- The minimum age for squash is 5 years of age, accompanied by an adult.
- Maximum load on all club chairs is 100kg.
Direct debit information only applies to those paid monthly direct debit memberships.
Memberships are non-refundable, including any pre-paid upfront memberships.
The above terms and conditions are subject to change. A copy of the most up-to-date terms and conditions can be found on our website.
Terms of your Contract
-You are agreeing to subscribe monthly for the services provided by the Service Provider and contracting to remain a subscriber for the minimum period of the contract, (being until the end of the contract end date).
-Once you have completed the minimum number of Direct Debit payments we will automatically continue to collect the agreed Direct Debit payment amount on the frequency chosen at the time of setting up the Direct Debit Instruction. Your contract will continue until terminated in accordance with these provisions.
-You may cancel the automatic renewal of this contract at any time by providing at least 1 months notice in writing to membership@moretonhallhealthclub.co.uk
During the Minimum Period you may cancel the contract only:
1. If we fail to maintain the standard of service you would reasonably expect.
2. If we alter the operating hours of the services unreasonably resulting in you being subsequently being unable to access the services.
3. If you develop a medical condition which prevents you from using the services on an ongoing basis. An appropriate medical practitioner must provide written evidence that this is so. *
4. If you move away from the area by a distance which we consider, at our sole discretion, to be too far to travel to the services for regular use. We shall require evidence that such a move has taken place. *
5. If you lose your employment and are subsequently unable to keep up your repayments under this contract. You must produce documentary evidence and we may, at our discretion, suspend your payments for two months. We will then review your financial situation with you. *
6. If you become pregnant. You must produce documentary evidence and we may, at our discretion, suspend payments for three months. We will then review your situation with you. *
* PLEASE NOTE: points 3-6 require documentation, this can only be accepted from the date of receipt.
-If you cancel your subscription during the Minimum Period, other than in the circumstances set out above we shall be entitled to a termination payment ("Termination Payment").
-The Termination Payment will be the total of:
Any arrears;
Any accumulated late payment charges that have been or will be incurred; and
The monthly subscriptions that would otherwise have fallen due before the end of the Minimum Period.
-You will be given credit for early payment, and this will be in the form of a discount applied against the total that you have to pay. For details of how the discount is calculated, please contact membership@moretonhallhealthclub.co.uk
-If you miss two payments, you will be deemed to have breached your contract.
-Moreton Hall Health Club will continue to collect your monthly subscription after the Minimum Period/contract end date. Should you not wish to continue subscribing after the Minimum Period/contract end date, you must give notice to cancel the contract at least 1 calendar month before the final payment of the minimum period/contract end date. If you wish to cancel the contract at any time after the Minimum Period/contract end date, you must give at least 1 calendar months notice. The notice should be in writing to membership@moretonhallhealthclub.co.uk. PLEASE NOTE: should a payment fall within your notice period, the full instalment will be required.
-GoCardless is our agent for the collection of your monthly subscriptions. GoCardless will collect your subscription monthly in advance on our behalf by Direct Debit. However, if you joined online, Debit Finance (DFC) will collect your monthly subscription.
-If you fail to make a payment on time, you will incur the following charges:
Fail to pay the subscription on the due date £15.00.
Fail to pay the missed subscription within 7 days of the date of a reminder correspondence £30.00.
Fail to pay the arrears and accrued charges within 7 days of the date of a Final Notice £45.00.
- Late payment charges become payable immediately when they are incurred.
-Moreton Hall Health Club will collect directly any Termination Payment which becomes due. Any notice served on you in accordance with the terms of this contract, will be deemed to have been delivered to you the next day after it is despatched by us, or our agent.
-If you would like to make a complaint with the service you have received from GoCardless, this should be in writing or by e-mail to (complaints@gocardless.com). You may also request a copy of our complaints handling policy.
If you fail to pay any amount due under this agreement for a period of more than 30 days, then we may pass the debt to a third party company for collection. The costs incurred in employing the third party company will be borne by you including the costs in tracing you should you have changed address without telling us.
If you have chosen a 12-month paid monthly membership, please be aware that by deferring payment you are paying a greater amount (the membership fee plus an additional finance charge) than if you had not deferred payment and paid the membership fee for the 12 months in advance. All of our membership prices are on our website.
We take great care to ensure that any information we hold about you is kept safe and secure. This section explains how and why the Service Provider uses your personal information.
The Service Provider & GoCardless will need to collect and process personal information in order to be able to provide you with the services. The personal information required includes:
your personal details (such as your name, address, date of birth, telephone number and email) - financial information (such as bank account details)
medical information (which is provided to the Service Provider)
Your details and financial information
GoCardless & Service Provider requires this information in order to collect and process payments. It will also use the information for related purposes, e.g. keeping records of financial transactions for a number of years (as required by law and the Direct Debit Indemnity) or to pursue unpaid debts. GoCardless may anonymise and aggregate data (so that it no longer identifies you) and then use it for analysis and reporting purposes. Some of the information GoCardless collects and processes will also be shared with the Service Provider (e.g. details of a missed payment)
Medical information
In order to take out a subscription the Service Provider needs to know a bit about your health and any conditions or injuries you suffer from (this is to make sure that you can make use of the services safely and without risking injury). When subscribing via GoCardless online portal you will be asked to provide certain sensitive personal data about your medical history. This information is provided on the basis of your consent, and you do not have to provide it. However, if you choose not to then the Service Provider won't be able to provide you with its services (e.g. gym membership).
If you do decide to provide this information it will be sent to the Service Provider (GoCardless will not store or have access to it). You can, of course, withdraw your consent to our using this sensitive personal data whenever you wish. However, by withdrawing your consent you will also be cancelling your contract with the Service Provider (as it will no longer be able to provide you with our services). If this cancellation takes place during the Minimum Period, you will be liable to make a Termination Payment (as set out above).
This information is completely optional and there is no need to provide it (and you can ask for it to be deleted at any time without consequence to you).
For further information on how and why the Service Provider and GoCardless use your personal information, and details of your legal rights (including the right of access) please visit: https://gocardless.com/privacy/details/
This guarantee should be retained by the Payer
The Direct Debit Guarantee
This Guarantee is offered by all banks and building societies that accept instructions to pay Direct Debits.
If there are any changes to the amount, date or frequency of your Direct Debit, Debit Finance Collections plc will notify you 5 working days in advance of your account being debited or as otherwise agreed. If you request Debit Finance Collections plc to collect a payment, confirmation of the amount and date will be given to you at the time of the request. If an error is made in the payment of your Direct Debit, by Debit Finance Collections plc or your bank or building society you are entitled to a full and immediate refund of the amount paid from your bank or building society.
- If you receive a refund you are not entitled to, you must pay it back when Debit Finance Collections plc asks you to. You can cancel a Direct Debit at any time by simply contacting your bank or building society. Written confirmation may be required. Please also notify us.